yellow stars

2929 days ago

Murder is fine as long as the murderess is a sweet 12 year old and the victims are wicked evil Jews: anti-semitism is the new cool

The loathsome Daily Mail has a new pin up, Gaza born Dima al-Wawi. She looks really sweet and the headline shouts out:

Hugs, tears and the haunted face of a 12-year-old girl broken by jail: The moment the youngest Palestinian to be imprisoned by Israel is freed after being locked up for two months for carrying a knife near a Jewish settlement

Broken by jail. Those wicked fucking Jews how low can they sink? Lock up = Bastards. Those fucking Jews, they are the new Nazis. Oh the knife?

It seems that Dima was not only near a Jewish settlement but actually heading towards it - she was stopped at the gate by a security guard and a local resident who
